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Revenue Integrity: Leveraging Data to Enhance Collaboration Across the Revenue Cycle

A panel of health information and revenue cycle professionals explore best practices in revenue integrity and the role of health information in this whitepaper. They also discuss how organizations can leverage data to enhance collaboration across the revenue cycle.


Key Insights:

  1. Identify and Address Revenue Challenges Systematically. Revenue integrity identifies and corrects systemic processes and systems that lead to revenue leakage, ensuring provider organizations receive appropriate reimbursement for all services provided.
  2. Reduce Claim Denials. Revenue integrity reconciles critical billing, operations, and compliance functions to generate clean claims and proactively reduce denials.
  3. Manage Patient Data from Point of Access. Health information professionals play an integral role in achieving revenue integrity, and managing patient data from point of access to final billing.


About Protiviti

Protiviti is a global business consulting firm that delivers deep expertise, objective insights, a tailored approach, and unparalleled collaboration. Protiviti's healthcare industry team helps payer and provider leaders make better decisions by managing the risks they face today, as well as illuminating the risks and unforeseen consequences inherent in their strategies for future growth and opportunity.

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